about my practice

Jacqueline Watts has a professional physiotherapy practice set in a serene environment. The practice offers a warm atmosphere to help one feel calm and comfortable. The practice offers the following valuable services:

Assessing and treating musculoskeletal injuries and conditions including sports injuries

Assessing and treating Orthopaedic conditions including pre and post operatively

Treating and managing chronic pain conditions, including education and coping skills

Incorporating a focus on each patient’s well-being and emotional state

Looking at functional exercises and patient specific needs

I provide home visits for those in need and can help with home assessments regarding safety, suitability and adaptations needed.

how i can help

Healing and recovery is a multi-dimensional process and needs a team approach from both me as the physiotherapist and you as the patient. It is important for me to look at all aspects affecting your injury, pain and recovery. I include questionnaires where necessary to determine the extent of pain or injury on your lifestyle and function and then specific functional goals are set and worked on.

I also include tips for better well-being and sound advice regarding sleep, breathing, movement and mindfulness. Education is important in order to understand how the body works, the effect an injury has on our body function and the healing process. I promote Education during my physiotherapy sessions with my patients in an effort to capacitate them in understanding their injury and to stimulate healing. I believe that knowledge is the key to success!


Contact Info

Booking by appointment only

Address: 66 Kalkoen Street, Monument Park, Ext 2

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